Thursday, September 5, 2013

Which Came First, God or the Black Hole?

Hi World,

Littleb and I were in the car on our way to pick up Apple, my five-month old granddaughter. (Her name is not Apple. That's a nickname. I feel like I have to mention this thanks to Gwyneth Paltrow.). The conversation was all about babies.  After we exhausted the subject of what babies like to do, who owns all the  babies we know, how babies learn to talk, and about 3 million other details specific to babies, the talk segued into this conversation:

littleb:  Well,  everyone is a baby at first.

littleb:  Except God.  God is the only person  who was never a baby, right?

Chicken:  I guess so

littleb:  I can't figure out where he came from.

Chicken:  Nobody can.  Or at least nobody agrees.

littleb:  Well, maybe scientists, right?

Chicken:  Ummm.  Not sure about that kiddo.  Do you think so?

littleb:  Of course, scientists would know.

Chicken:  Maybe.  Hey, maybe God came from a black hole...

littleb:  No (laughs)

Chicken:  Why not?   He could have come from a black hole.

littleb:  Silly. Black  holes aren't even real!  (laughs)

Where did I go wrong?

Chicken out
Photo of a black hole.  Not full  dilated.  Note to self:  Show littleb


  1. Oh yeah. These little ones have ways of taking us on carnival rides of confusion in conversations, don't they?

    1. Every day,Betty. It's like "Who's on first". Also, he's very good about asking about stuff that I think I know and then it turns out, I don't really know. I have a sense of the answer but I can't verbalize the answer. I thought it was just me.

  2. That kid's gonna be a treat -- and a handful. :-)


    1. Hi Pearl, yes, he's six and he is both of those things:-)

  3. Replies
    1. Oh, man, I just heard about worm holes, Simply Suthern. I don't even know where to start with that. Good luck with your new cheerleader. Do you do transmission work? Do you make house calls? To RI? Thank you for visiting my blog.

  4. Kids are so real and cute at the same time.

    1. Hi Munir, you never know how they are processing the information you give them until one day they say something that is totally out in left field of what you thought you taught them, but then you can see how they came to that conclusion. My kids make me laugh every day:-)

  5. Don't you let him watch Star Trek reruns?

    1. Jenny-I am going to make it required viewing from now on!

  6. Thanks goodness for blogs so you can record these moments. ;)

    1. Hi Hilary-it's true. I go back and read the ones I've blogged about in the past every now and then. There are some I never got down on paper and I wish I had.

  7. Sounds like a pretty smart kid to me!

  8. Hi Shelly-he is, thanks:-) Thanks for stopping by. I've been enjoying your blog.


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